This set of sous vide bags works great! I had my doubts when I looked at the little gadget that would suck the air out of my bags. But it worked, it removed all the air, and the bag stayed sealed and air-free during the cooking process. The bags are durable and should last a long time. Photos and video attached.
However. After cooking and washing up, the bags retain the lumpy shape of the shrink wrapped foods due to the heat in the sous vide cooker. Also, the bags hold the odor of the food and stain easily. Even plain potatoes left yellowish spots in the material - and still smells like potatoes. In my opinion, that means I need to have bags dedicated to specific foods if they have strong scents. I'm not sure that's cost effective.
1. Remove the bar from side of bag
2. Remove the locking nut from the bag
3. Fill the bag with the food you wish to cook
4. Replace the bar to tightly close
5. Insert the gizmo to the port and attach to your phone or to a usb cord (included)
6. Wait for all the air to be removed then quickly put the port cap back on and turn it to lock in place.
7. Add packet to your water bath and cook with your sous vide cooker.
8. Remove the blue bar to open the bag and remove your cooked food.